John's Vashon Preparedness Blog

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Author: Created: 6/15/2010 5:35 PM RssIcon
Disaster news and links of interest for Vashonites
By John Cornelison on 4/29/2021 6:23 AM

Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed a new amendment into law on Tuesday, and it will take effect 7/25/21.

Here’s the link to the formal wording and the RCW citation for future reference.

Remember this is the section that applies to people helping their neighbors in a “it’s a disaster” situation, not the people who have protections as a Registered Emergency Worker (their coverage is in a different section).

Our appreciation to West Seattle Be Prepared neighbor Cindi Barker for her efforts to get this passed in this year’s busy legislative session.

By John Cornelison on 4/27/2021 9:23 AM
Click map for a larger version

In January, the Washington Geological Survey (WGS) published a new set of maps derived from their “inundation models […] based on the shape of the ocean floor, the topography of the land, and the expected size and shape of tsunami waves. These properties are derived from what we know about past earthquakes and tsunamis that are found in the geologic record of the Pacific Northwest. The result of the modeling is a series of maps that show the expected depth of water and the speed of the currents from an earthquake-generated tsunami.”Click here to download DNR’s...
By John Cornelison on 3/23/2021 6:48 AM
A new report from the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations paints a somber picture for agrarian communities.

Reportedly, disasters happen three times more often today, than in the 1970s and 1980s. Agriculture absorbs a disproportionate 63 per cent share of their impact, compared to other sectors, such as tourism, commerce and industry.

New hazards such as megafires, extreme weather, unusually large desert locust swarms, and emerging biological threats threaten agri-food systems.


On top of a decade of exacerbated disaster loss, exceptional global heat, retreating ice and rising sea levels, humanity and our food security face a range of new and unprecedented hazards, such as megafires, extreme weather events, desert locust swarms of magnitudes previously unseen, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Agriculture underpins the livelihoods of over 2.5 billion people – most of them in low-income developing...
By John Cornelison on 3/19/2021 9:36 AM
Washington Good Samaritan law protects the general public during some activities even outside declared emergencies. Some aspects of the law are being reconsidered:The current Washington State Good Samaritan Law covers only medical aid given in times of a disaster. There is no provision for the general population to have Good Samaritan protection should they want to help their neighbors in the response to a significant event outside of a clear medical context.In 2021, a new bill has been sponsored to add an addition to the existing law and is currently moving through the House. The requested addition extends the existing law to include non-medical aid given in times of disaster. Important note: this would be beneficial in response to all hazards, including flooding, landslides, and wildfires, and is not specific only to an earthquake scenario.Key Points:Emergency Managers throughout the State of Washington work to help their residents prepare for disaster and build community resilience as their resources will be...
By John Cornelison on 2/23/2021 9:26 AM
For this Sunday’s 20th anniversary of the Nisqually Earthquake, the University of Washington has created created a simulation based on that historic quake.

They will use this simulation as an initial test of the region’s new Early Earthquake Warning System.

You can learn how to opt-in to these new alerts by going to:

To receive this test message, you need to:Be physically located in King, Pierce or Thurston counties Have WEA 2.0 or 3.0 capable devices that are powered on Have OPTED IN to receive WEA test messagesGet InvolvedAfter opting in, we invite you to provide feedback — including reporting whether and how the test alert was delivered to your device.Sign up here to join a virtual WEA Watch Party...
By John Cornelison on 1/20/2021 9:10 AM

The EOC is trying hard to keep the vaccination information page updated at:

Please take note that the Pharmacy operation is going to get a lot of attention because it's convenient and open wide. But other options do exist, including Sea Mar and Vashon Natural Medicine as well as a number of mainland operations...everything from Kaiser, to CVS and Safeway Pharmacy, etc.

Please know this: For some time to come the demand will exceed the available supply being allocated by the federal government and thus available to the state Department of Health. last thing...gigantic shoutout to Sea Mar. They got 120 doses initially. And they spent the last week searching out Phase 1A eligible folks and calling them in to their clinic to get care providers, dentists, first responders, etc., etc.

That's real community sharing!

- Rick Wallace

By John Cornelison on 9/9/2020 6:28 PM

Here is a fire and smoke map that updates hourly using a variety of sources, including satellite.

It’s centered on Oregon when you first pull it up, but if you scroll up you’ll find Washington. You can see the Sumner Grade Fire in Bonney Lake and the newer fire southeast of Enumclaw.

If you zoom out, you can clear see the entire west coast on fire. ☹

By John Cornelison on 9/2/2020 2:21 PM
TalesFromTheEdgeThe Double Disaster: When the pandemic struck, it quickly became clear that our island community faced two emergencies. First, there was the need to fight the disease, help people understand how to keep themselves and their families safe. Second, our community was being hit by a devastating economic and emotional disaster.Islanders at Emotional Risk: At peak, a quarter of all Vashon workers had applied for unemployment benefits. A Chamber of Commerce survey showed that 40% of our businesses went dark. Schools sent kids home. Hundreds of families are worrying...
By John Cornelison on 6/8/2020 1:53 PM
The following statement has been approved by a majority of VashonBePrepared Board Members. Thanks to our President Vicky de Monterey Richoux for crafting this.

In recent weeks we've witnessed devastating news of yet more innocent Black people being killed by police. Use of undue force has been used against peaceful protestors while they were exercising their First Amendment rights, further inflaming the situation. These events occur not in a time of relative political, economic, and social ease, but after months of fears, tensions, illnesses and deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Systemic racism combines with the COVID-19 pandemic, or any type of disaster, to result in far more dire outcomes for people of color, including:

History shows that, following any disaster, our most vulnerable neighbors...
By John Cornelison on 5/31/2020 12:15 PM
The following is a great post recommended by Vashon’s Jinna Risdal, PhD, and the original link (with diagrams) is at:

Updated: May 20

Please read this link to learn about the author and background to these posts.It seems many people are breathing some relief, and I’m not sure why. An epidemic curve has a relatively predictable upslope and once the peak is reached, the back slope can also be predicted. We have robust data from the outbreaks in China and Italy, that shows the backside of the mortality curve declines slowly, with deaths persisting for months. Assuming we have just crested in deaths at 70k, it is possible that we lose another 70,000 people over the next 6 weeks as we come off that peak. That's what's going to happen with a lockdown. As states reopen, and we give the virus more fuel, all bets are off. I...
By John Cornelison on 5/26/2020 2:39 PM
· Registration has started for reopening workshops being put on by the Chamber of Commerce. Fifteen of the workshops have been scheduled over the next two weeks. They are designed to aid local businesses and organizations open up under the Phase 2 safety conditions set by the Governor. The planning workshops will help businesses reduce risk to staff, ensure customers feel safe and secure, and give business operators confidence that they are following best practices to protect our community’s health. The free workshops are offered by Vashon Chamber of Commerce and are being funded by VashonBePrepared. Each participant will receive a toolkit that will including masks (provided by Masks for Vashon), sanitizer, floor signs for six foot distancing, and signage for the establishment's safety commitments. One option in the free toolkit will be plexiglass sneeze shields fabricated by volunteers from the Makerspace/Tool Library group. Visit
By John Cornelison on 5/22/2020 3:26 PM
The following is a collection of thank you notes that the community has sent to VashonBeprepared! We are honored to be recognized.

P.R.That is outstanding news! Makes me feel even better than ever about living on Vashon. Together, we will make it through!

Y.M.(volunteer too!)That's amazing we've raised that much amount in short time! And yes, the time people are giving to help others are wonderful. I'm grateful for the Vashon community.

M.M.P.Thank you for the incredible work you are all doing. The daily bulletin alone is a huge effort and representative of so much of your work. We are so lucky to live on this beautiful island!

L.G.I am pleased to hear that over $200,000 has been raised so far. It is my privilege to be in a position to help islanders and our community.

By John Cornelison on 5/7/2020 1:39 PM
The White House attempted to bury CDC’s scientific guidance, but it was made public though a leak.

Here is the full text of the Draft COVID-19 reopening guidance from CDC, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework”. Or as a PDF document.

Interim Guidance for Child Care Programs The reopening of child care programs is crucial to helping parents and guardians return to work. Many States have closed schools for the academic year and, with summer quickly approaching, an increasing number of working parents may need to rely on these programs. CDC’s Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs and supplemental Guidance for Child...
By John Cornelison on 5/3/2020 8:11 AM
imageIn talking to each other, we can help ourselves and each other, even at a distance.

I am moved to action by the words of spiritual care provider Tom Craighead, a retired Episcopal Priest/Social Worker:

I think of countless souls who simply need someone to be with and hear them. Facing an uncertain future or the threat of loss, many people instinctively want to talk. They may not know what they need. They might need to vent, to feel their anger, fear, or grief by speaking it. Talking helps them find their emotional footing. It often helps ground and calms them. Talking can also reconnect a person with themselves,...
By John Cornelison on 4/30/2020 10:17 AM

imageIn this time of uncertainty, it may be difficult to find the support you need to take care of your families. Fortunately, many government programs have expanded their eligibility requirements due to the coronavirus pandemic. For a full list of state programs that you may qualify for, fill out this survey on Washington Connection. If you are looking for one of the following specific services, please download the King County COVID-19 Resource Guide...
By John Cornelison on 4/29/2020 6:56 AM
clip_image002From Public Health – Seattle & King County yesterday comes the following insight into our short term future with regards to social distancing.

How long will social distancing continue? •The modeling done by IHME at the University of Washington is somewhat reassuring, but the conclusions are not certain.•It doesn’t show what happens if people stop complying or are not as effective as they assume.​•Our success at distancing has limited the number of people that have been infected, and that also means most of us remain susceptible to the virus.•If...
By John Cornelison on 4/28/2020 7:00 AM
Vashon has been struck by a silent, devastating earthquake.More than 1,000 of our neighbors have lost their jobs.4 out of 10 Vashon businesses have shut down & many may never open again.Our cherished nonprofits are struggling to feed and shelter our most vulnerable.Click Here for the Relief Fund Giving Page. We Must Act Now to Save the Vashon We Love.Responding and recovering from this crisis will require a major long term recovery movement to make a big difference. The Vashon COVID Relief Fund aims to raise $425,000 for short and long term RELIEF and RECOVERY.We have already raised $170,000 and now it’s your turn.Our island community needs your help. The...
By John Cornelison on 4/24/2020 9:38 AM
Vashon’s second COVID-19 Town Hall will take place Saturday, April 25, from 10 am to 11:30 am. It will have a panel of island experts joining Fire Chief Charlie Krimmert and leaders of the all-volunteer Vashon Emergency Operations Center to answer questions about COVID-19 and the island’s response to layoffs, business closures, food availability, testing, transportation issues and what happens when Stay Home restrictions ease.  View the Town Hall live in English at or,...
By John Cornelison on 4/22/2020 2:40 PM

Vashon Town Hall: The next island wide COVID-19 Briefing and Town Hall will be on Saturday April 25th from 10-11:30am. A live Spanish translation will be available. Work continues on technology to support the town hall online viewing, instructions will be released tomorrow. In advance of the meeting, please send your questions to

By John Cornelison on 4/21/2020 2:59 PM

The Chamber of Commerce webinar series, Chamber Chat, will next be held Thursday April 22nd from 9-9:45am, the topic will be Grant Writing in a Nutshell presented by Allison Shirk. For more information or to register visit

By John Cornelison on 4/21/2020 2:45 PM

Emergency Funds ($500) for Food Service Workers - The Plate Fund is distributing $500 grants to King County food service workers who have experienced a reduction in hours or been laid off.

By John Cornelison on 4/20/2020 2:41 PM

The Chamber of Commerce webinar series, Chamber Chat, will next be held Tuesday, April 21st from 9-9:45am, the Chat will be an Open Forum discussion on challenges facing Tenants and Landlords. For more information or to register visit

By John Cornelison on 4/16/2020 8:59 AM

SBA announced that it is out funds after only two weeks, and is not accepting applications from small businesses.  1,637,000 applications valued at $339 Billion were accepted.  This affects island business looking for relief through Payroll Protection Program.  Applications for the PPP funds commenced April 3.  Applicants were initially taken only from for profit entities.  Nonprofits applications followed the following week.

Congress continues to debate additional funding.

-- From Sam Williams

By John Cornelison on 4/15/2020 7:24 PM

For Vashon Nonprofit organizations: The Chamber of Commerce webinar series, Chamber Chat, will next be held on Thursday April 16th, 9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. The topic will be the new federal Payroll Protection Program and other aid that can help non-profit organizations with Jay Williamson and Lynn Greiner. For more information or to register visit

By John Cornelison on 4/14/2020 6:00 PM
The following is from the Washington Employment Security Department

1. Find out what you’re eligible for.  Visit and download the eligibility checker.  Eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI)? Apply as soon as possible!  Before you...
By John Cornelison on 4/13/2020 3:42 PM
Navigating Tax Stimulus and Unemployment Benefits for Employees and the Self-Employed: April 14th (Tuesday) 9:00 am - 9:45 amVashon Island Chamber Chat COVID-19 Business Resource SeriesThe Vashon-Maury Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the EOC is hosting a series of webinars focused on issues facing our business community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chamber Chat COVID-19 Business Resource Series #4: Navigating Tax Stimulus and Unemployment Benefits for Employees and the Self-EmployedDeborah Diamond, retired IRS Governmental Liaison, will review the federal Tax Stimulus payments for individuals, provide an overview of unemployment options (standby/furloughed/laid offs) and discuss the employers' role. Review how to prepare an expanded benefit application for self-employed and 1099 workers.Learn More/Register…...
By John Cornelison on 4/6/2020 2:50 PM

The Chamber of Commerce webinar series, Chamber Chat, will next be held on Tuesday, April 7th from 9-9:45am.

Tuesday's topic is An Accountant’s Perspective on Payroll, FMLA and SBA Loans with Chris Hunt.

For more information or to register visit

On Thursday April 9th the topic will be Setting Up an Online Store & Getting the Word Out w/ Katie Hermanns.

By John Cornelison on 4/4/2020 4:41 PM
Vashon Island residents will have access to COVID-19 testing for residents whose medical care provider – on or off island - has referred them for a test. Testing will start April 7th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. operating on weekdays as the availability of testing materials allows.The Vashon Covid-19 Testing Project will use a simplified procedure that minimizes exposure of patients and volunteer staff and the need for precious personal protective equipment. Vashon Island is particularly at risk because clinics and first responders have limited capacity, the island lacks an urgent care clinic or emergency room, and there are many high-risk residents. Testing focuses public health efforts on isolating and supporting infected individuals so they do not infect others. “Testing helps us identify who has the virus. Once we know who has the virus, we can contact others who have been exposed and test any of those with symptoms. The providers who make the referral are a critical part of this tracking. This is the fastest and...
By John Cornelison on 4/2/2020 2:54 PM

Details have been finalized for viewing and participating in Saturday's community wide briefing and town hall.

Vashon Fire Chief Charlie Krimmert and members of the Vashon Emergency Operations Center will hold a web-based town hall community briefing on Coronavirus and Covid19 on Saturday, April 4, from 10 am to 11:30 am.

The event will be presented in both Spanish and English. If you’d like to submit questions, email them to

You can view the town hall live online via The event is being produced in partnership with Backbone Campaign, VashonBePrepared and Voice of Vashon.

By John Cornelison on 3/30/2020 1:29 PM
10 Things to Manage Your Health at Home

Poster: 10 ways to manage respiratory symptoms at homeEnglish pdf icon[1 page] | Spanishpdf icon | Chinesepdf icon | Vietnamesepdf icon | Koreanpdf icon10 things you can do to manage your health at homeIf you have possible or confirmed COVID-19:Stay home from work, school, and...

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Re: What to do if you have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 or are worried that you may have COVID-19
No on ventilators. They require a paramedic to insert the tubes and at that point should be off island in a proper care facility. Low flow oxygen is easily available, but those needing it only for COVID should also be in a proper care facility.
Re: What to do if you have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 or are worried that you may have COVID-19
The large national company, Lab Corp, announced that they can do testing as of last Friday. I believe they are used by both clinics on the island. Local clinicians just do a nasal swab as I understand it and then send those in for testing. The test kits reside at the laboratory.

In addition other test facilities exist, but are unlikely to be used directly by island providers. Contact their websites and offices before you go in with any respiratory issues. Their information is likely to change frequently until more is known about the virus.

I don't know about ventilators, but will ask. Thanks for your comment!
Re: What to do if you have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 or are worried that you may have COVID-19
Will Vashon be getting testing kits soon in the hands of all doctors and first responders on island? Can the Gates Foundation help in this regard? Can we get the Neighborcare Clinic better prepared in this regard?

How many ventilators are on island? This is where critical shortages seem imminent.

