Micah Bucey is a United Church of Christ minister in New York City.
October 8th Tiny Prayer (for those who fear that their vote won’t count):
May you stay vigilant about voter suppression, outreach, registration, and turnout, but while you wait and worry about the numbers, may you also think of your own vote as a sacred spiritual offering, not simply one tiny piece within a vast system, but a love-filled representation of the vastness of your own heart, a prayerful symbol of your continuing commitment to nudging this country into transformation, a hope-fueled vessel for the change you wish to see in the world, and as you cast your own vision into the sea of visions, may it open you up to an invigorating understanding of just how necessary your participation always is.
October 5th Tiny Prayer (for those who just don’t know what to believe anymore):
May you remember that, beyond the gaslighting, beyond the equivocating, beyond the trickery, there are truths that transcend, truths that you know deep in your soul, truths that you feel deep in your heart, truths that you actively embody every time you listen for the still, small voice inside you and connect it to the voices within those around you, stepping away from narcissism and nationalism, questioning your own assumptions and privileges, and continuously co-creating new ways for truth to reveal itself and rise above the lies.
October 3rd Tiny Prayer (for those who were already having difficulty focusing before adding the chaos of these past weeks):
May you remember that your life is far larger than the glare of the fickle news cycle, may you deeply know that, beyond the outrage, the confusion, the gaslighting, and the shifting predictions, your work, and the gifts you bring to it, are essential, your health is essential, your care for yourself and others is essential, and even as the stories continue to unfurl, double back, drift away, distract, digress, and die, may you keep your mind set on what is most essential to you, pour your energy into everything and everyone you love, and continue to keep your heart’s vision focused on those new horizons we are currently conjuring together.
October 1st Tiny Prayer (for those who need some quiet):
May you not take yourself so seriously that you feel you must constantly contribute to the noise, may you trust that the community can sustain itself while you take some time for yourself, may you step away and approach this moment intentionally, turning off screens, devices, the constant nagging voices in your head, and whether you are able to do this for a day, an hour, or even just a minute, may you breathe in the calm you wish to encounter in the world, breathe that calm back out into a world that rarely admits that it needs it, and may your moment of self-care inspire a chain of care that transcends the babble and lifts it into a new realm of collective communication.
September 30th Tiny Prayer
May you allow yourself to ache, to be horrified, enraged, scared, and sad, but may you not lose yourself, your hope, or your own voice in the noise of it all, may your own spirit’s need to be lifted inspire you to lift the spirits of those around you, may your own scrambling for strategy point you toward the organizers who can help focus and sustain your energy, and may your fear for the future bring you back to the present, a place where you have connections, resources, and multiple ways to combine your horror, outrage, fear, and grief, breathe your longing for new life into them, and recommit to co-creating the country that is aching to be born.
humbly knowing that repair is needed and confidently knowing that the lasting authentic strength of a relationship rests on how openly we can admit to falling short and recommit to the long haul, may you not force forgiveness or acceptance, but instead listen for how your offering of amends is heard, and as you work to rebuild trust, may you trust your own growing creative ability to take the lessons you are learning and humbly, confidently shape them into new ways forward.
September 27th Tiny Prayer (for those who don’t know where they fit in):
May you realize that we are all always hovering somewhere between confidently claiming our places in the world and fearing that we have no home to call our own, that none of us truly feel that we fit in without fail, may you start with what you do know, that you want to make connection, just like most people around you, may you move from there to outreach, finding those whose openness starts to give you a sense of belonging, may you challenge yourself to speak up about the things you care about and encourage those who speak up to you, and may this supportive act begin to build shared shelter that is big enough to house all of us, each taking our place and leaving room for everyone else to find theirs.
September 26th Tiny Prayer (for those who don’t know where to put all of their nervous energy):
May you gather up these sparks that keep you so on edge and pour them all into your passions, may you reserve a bit for your own creativity and may you take the rest, reach out to those who are fighting for the change you wish to see, and ask how your spirit, commitment, and talents might best serve a larger cause, and even when you have found directions for this electric flow, may you continue to listen to your body as it tells you when to be still before you burn out, and may you marvel at how the connection of this voltage within you to the currents of collective transformation around you channels hope in ways never possible if you tried to contain it.
September 24th Tiny Prayer (for those who are mad as Hell):
May you not lose yourself in this shadowed valley between rage and grief, but instead observe how many of us are wandering this wilderness with you, may you never deny this inflamed feeling, but when you feel yourself about to be consumed by the heat, may you reach out to those who are collectively blazing ways out of these despairing depths, may you offer your rage as a gift to these uprisings, listening to those who can help you organize your anger into action and focus your fear into sustained attention, and may you not reach for hope before you’re ready, but may you invite the communal striving for it to keep you climbing out of the fire.
September 23rd Tiny Prayer (for those who feel pulled in too many directions):
May you stop and breathe, simply and steadily, trusting that the world’s spinning does not rely on you spinning, that there is a difference between what you feel must get done and what actually must get done, that there is a distinction between necessity and noise, may you choose the next thing that deserves your attention, addressing it carefully and calmly, and when you have reached a pausing place with that thing, may you choose the next thing, building a pattern of patience over panic, depth over dithering, and may you surprise yourself with how much can be done when you realize that you don’t have to do it all.
September 19th Tiny Prayer (for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg):
Thank you for your fierce and fabulous life, for the trails you blazed, for the commitment to truth you embodied, for the defiance you offered your naysayers, for the strength, breath, energy, and spirit you diligently contributed to our continuing fights for justice, and as you rest in the power you have so vigilantly earned, may we loudly grieve with your loved ones, may we loudly celebrate your legacy, and may we invite your beloved memory to reignite the fires of our political passion, to resurrect our belief that persistence can win, to nudge our hearts into devoted gear to vote, to strategize, to organize, and to make you continuously proud of who we all can be when we put our deep mourning, our deep admiration, and our deep gratitude to work.
September 18th Tiny Prayer (for those who fear speaking their truth):
May you remember that your authentic voice is necessary, that you are not simply a receptacle for others’ ideas, opinions, and anger, but a living, breathing being with your own organic wisdom to offer, may you open your heart to listening for where you might learn and where you might teach, for that sweet spot where humility and honesty meet, and may you balance both with every word you utter, assured that this dynamic act will bring you clarity, so that you may bring clarity to those who need to hear it.
September 17th Tiny Prayer (for Dawn Wooten):
May you feel surrounded by gratitude and safety as we thank you for your courage and you prepare for the backlash, may you stand firm in your resolve to tell the truth, to shed light on sick, shadowy practices, to risk your own life in order to rehumanize those who have been so dehumanized, and even on days when your bravery dips, may you always deeply know how lovingly you have changed the world, how boldly you have underlined our need to pay attention, how valiantly you have modeled for us all how to remain human amidst systems that threaten to strip us of humanity, how to amplify our voices amidst the brutal banality of evil that continues to feed on our silence.
August 28th Tiny Prayer (for Anthony Huber):
Thank you for your courageous life, for embodying conviction and solidarity, for putting your body on the line to protect your fellow justice-seekers, and as we mourn your death and honor your conviction, may we not simply valorize your selfless act of heroism, but instead heed the clarion call for a deepening of our own participation, our own confidence, our own necessary commitment to pressuring the moral arc of the universe, in whatever huge and tiny ways we can, until it actually bends toward justice.
August 25th Tiny Prayer (for those who are seeking purpose):
May you observe the hurting world around you, the overwhelming news, the painful stories, the deep and continuing needs of your community, and may you choose small steps over big despair, not daring to think that you’ll save everyone and everything in one move (or even one hundred moves), but starting where your own natural gifts might be most helpful, a call, a donation, a volunteer shift, a grace-filled gesture, and may you allow yourself to be awed by the simple, the doable, the actionable options that are hovering right in front of you, aching to be embodied. Amen
By Micah Bucey,Offered by islander Carla Pryne

Photo by Barb Gustafson