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When the big one hits, will you be able to help? In order to be truly helpful in an emergency it is helpful if we share a common vocabulary and that you know what resources and protocols exist, and where to find checklists for your team. Some of this is noted on our training page and more will come from the team you decide will be the most interesting for you to work with.

EOC Bootcamp 10Jan09We are a community of individuals with a common purpose, helping Vashon prepared for an emergency. VashonBePrepared is a coalition of some dozen community partners

EOC Bootcamp 10Jan09Anyone can play a very informal - but critical - role in their local neighborhood's preparedness and emergency response by joining one of our ~200 Neighborhood Emergency Response Organizations.

To get more specialized training and be part of our island-wide preparedness and response, there are opportunites to volunteer with VashonBePrepared, Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT), and the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). Those with a passion for emergency communications can join our Auxiliary Communications Services team of the Vashon Maury Island Radio Club. Additional related groups that accept volunteers include the Marine Emergency Response Team (MERT), Voice of Vashon, Vashon Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Vashon Island Fire and Rescue (VIFR). Each of these provide their own training and community connections. 

It's all about Vashon. Volunteer to help!

Please review our list of partners so you can decide if there already is a solid fit with your skills. If so, contact the appropriate partner organization to express your interest! If you are less sure about where your services could be most useful, or you have questions, then please contact VashonBePrepared's Volunteer Team at
