Resources for Businesses

Help is available for many businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Vashon Chamber of Commerce has gathered information and resources for our businesses. 

Public Health-Seattle & King County offers guidance for retail businesses and service operators, including during the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order

The federal Small Business Administration (SBA) is providing low-interest loans of up to $2 million to help with operating expenses.

The Washington State Department of Revenue can provide extensions on taxes or waive penalties.

For businesses in Seattle, the City of Seattle has delayed B&O taxes for small business and established a small business stabilization fund to provide grants of up to $10,000. There are resources for nonprofits, the arts and other information, beyond Seattle’s borders.

Washington State has compiled a list of resources for businesses dealing with the pandemic. The information includes financial assistance from the Small Business Administration, tax relief, and employer and worker assistance.
