By John Cornelison on
9/16/2013 4:44 PM
 You can share your views about transportation needs with Senate Transportation Committee members at public forums on Tuesday, Sept. 17 in Bellevue and Monday, Oct. 14 in downtown Seattle. These “listening sessions” are part of a statewide tour hosted by the Washington State Department of Transportation. At least half of each meeting...
By John Cornelison on
9/12/2013 8:12 PM
 King County has told the local cities that it does not plan to provide snowplowing services to Tier 2 through 5 roads this winter due to budget cuts. Click here to see which roads in unincorporated King County are currently identified as Tier 1 through 5, and to see contact information for questions. (Hint only Vashon Highway is rated as a tier one road.) The County may in fact plow as resources become available, but is suggesting that it may not be in a timely fashion. Details on the county’s ice & snow program can be found at: We are unaware of actual staffing changes locally so...
By John Cornelison on
9/10/2013 7:22 AM
BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION  Time and again, America faces crises that test our readiness and challenge our resolve -- from natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods to shootings, cyber incidents, and even acts of terrorism. While my Administration is working tirelessly to avert national tragedies, it is every American's responsibility to be prepared. By planning for emergencies, individuals can protect themselves...
By John Cornelison on
9/5/2013 10:03 AM
While scientists can't predict when a great earthquake producing a pan-Pacific tsunami will occur, thanks to new tools being developed by federal and state officials, scientists can now offer more accurate insight into the likely impacts when tsunamis occur. This knowledge can lead officials and the public to reduce the risk of the future tsunamis that will impact the west coast.  Maximum current speeds for the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB), according to the SAFRR Tsunami Scenario. In the POLA, currents are strongest at Angels Gate, the Cabrillo Marina, the Boat Yard, and the old Navy Yard. Once...