VashonBePrepared Weekly Newsletter

Newsletter #164 Thursday, January 16, 2025(full newsletter)

Vashon’s Special Wildfire Risk
Prepare Your Home
Stay Informed
Make a Household Evacuation Plan

Riesgo de Incendios en Vashon
Prepare su Casa
Manténgase Informado
Haga un Plan de Evacuación Familiar

COVID Vaccine

Learn about the many ways you can prepare for disasters at home or at your business.

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About Us

VashonBePrepared is a coalition of some 10 disaster preparedness organizations on Vashon-Maury Island in Washington's Puget Sound region. We work closely with local and county organizations.

I Want to Help Out

VashonBePrepared provides training and educational opportunities to keep the island community prepared for the next emergency.

Latest Updates

By John Cornelison on 7/5/2011 11:40 AM

ReadyBusiness_LogoSeptember is National Preparedness Month (NPM)! This awareness month is sponsored by the Ready Campaign in partnership with Citizen Corps. NPM is held each September and is designed to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and communities

September 2011 is the eighth annual NPM and this year’s slogan is: “This September: A Time to Remember. A Time...
By John Cornelison on 6/10/2011 9:01 AM

Figure 2 Major tectonic plates (courtesy of USGS). For a more complete explanation of plate tectonics, see Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce that Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts:...
By John Cornelison on 6/8/2011 10:16 AM


Are your bookcases secured - or your water heater? There are often personal tasks that we all need to accomplish - but need a bit of advice or to see the basics before tackling these projects. The following were designed for exactly this purpose!

For our media outreach efforts, and for individual preparedness, please be aware of the following videos produced for Washington residents.  These videos were produced in partnership with Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management and the Washington State Emergency Management Division. Funding for the project was made possible through grants from Governor Christine Gregoire, Washington State Citizen Corps and a donation from Puget Sound Energy. 

By John Cornelison on 6/6/2011 9:31 AM

Are You Ready? Guide

The FEMA publication Are You Ready?: An In-depth Guide For Citizen Preparedness, is a 200-page comprehensive guide that walks the reader through a step-by-step approach to getting informed about local emergency plans, how to identify hazards that effect their local area, and how to develop and maintain an emergency communications plan and disaster supplies kit. Other topics covered include evacuation, emergency public shelters, animals in disaster, and information specific to people with disabilities. Are You Ready? also provides in-depth information on specific hazards including what to do before, during, and after each hazard type.

You can download English and Spanish preparedness guides or order them for free...
By John Cornelison on 5/20/2011 8:58 AM

An article published May 11, 2011 in Knowledge@Wharton, an online resource from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School, looks at the question "what motivates individuals to listen to warnings and act" using the virtual world as a laboratory.  Robert Meyer, a Wharton marketing professor who is co-director of the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, developed an "interactive simulation to study such factors as news media reports, storm warnings and the level of concern expressed by friends and neighbors" motivate people to act before an impending disaster.

Excerpts from the article include:  "The group that was bombarded with news about very bad storms actually prepared less in the simulation that followed than the other group. 'You have a crowding out effect with disasters,' according to Meyer. 'As you have one after another, people care less about the next one.'"  "...the group that viewed a graphic showing the most likely path...
By John Cornelison on 5/5/2011 1:46 PM
Citizen Corps logoTuesday, May 10, 2011 at 11 AM PST

In times of disaster, a trained and informed public is better prepared to protect themselves, their families, their workplace and their neighbors. This webinar will showcase several disaster training resources that are available in communities across the nation. FEMA recognizes that it takes a “whole community” approach to meet the needs of the public before, during and after a disaster. Learn how your community can train and educate its citizens to be better prepared and involved in your community’s disaster response and recovery efforts.

Join us for brief presentations by representatives from the American Red Cross, the Community Emergency Response Team program, ARRL National Association...
By John Cornelison on 4/27/2011 9:15 AM
imageThe Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are pleased to share the following compilations of FEMA earthquake publications, at no cost:

Earthquake Publications for Teachers and Kids, FEMA P-710CD...
By John Cornelison on 4/12/2011 12:11 PM

rack mounted go boxRandy’s got the hottest (communications, not survival) go-box on Vashon – at least that I’m aware of. I don’t see any straps on it to carry it around, but otherwise it looks pretty impressive. Check it out at

Also Randy has just created a new MeetUp group for W7VMI. Join up at

By John Cornelison on 4/3/2011 9:24 AM has a new set of nice publications for citizens with very basic advice to citizens for surviving and earthquake or tsunami.

By John Cornelison on 4/1/2011 3:23 PM
April is Disaster Preparedness Month. VashonBePrepared, in conjunction with the King County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) urges citizens to take simple steps to prepare for earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters and other emergencies.

“We can’t stop disasters from happening, but we can prepare to survive them,” says OEM Director Hillman Mitchell. “Now is a perfect time to think about what you would do if a large disaster were to strike our region."

Disaster planning consists of three simple steps: 1. Make a Plan Every family should have a plan for how they will communicate during an emergency and where they will meet if separated.

Establish an out-of-area contact. This should be someone out-of-state that each family member can contact to communicate their well-being.

Texting will often work, even if phone calls can’t go through.

If cell towers are down, landline calls may work.

Long-distance calls...
By John Cornelison on 3/25/2011 8:34 AM
Release Date and Time:03-25-2011 08:19:00 AM

"Triangle of Life" theory is dismissed by quake experts. The technique is not applicable for earthquake experiences in the U.S. The safest response is to "Drop, Cover, and Hold" until the ground stops shaking.

With images of Japan’s devastating earthquake fresh on our minds, so is another round of Internet misinformation about what should be your first move during an earthquake. The King County Office of Emergency Management wants you to know that "Drop, Cover, and Hold" is the best method to protect yourself during an earthquake in the United States, especially in our own quake-prone region.

“Unfortunately, emails have circulated recently, touting the ‘Triangle of Life’ technique, which incorrectly claims that people can use ‘voids’ or ‘empty spaces’ as a way to survive earthquakes,” said Hillman Mitchell, Director of the King County Office of Emergency Management. “Simply put, the technique is not applicable for earthquake experiences in the United...
By John Cornelison on 3/14/2011 7:32 PM

You may think your insurance policy covers your home, apartment or business for earthquakes and floods. The Northwest Insurance Council thinks you should take a closer look, because many people are not insured for such national disasters.

The Olympian reports the insurance council is urging Washington residents to consider both earthquake and flood insurance. The council says earthquake and tsunami damage is not covered under most standard homeowners, renters and business owners insurance policies.

Earthquake insurance is available as a separate policy or as an endorsement to current coverage. Flood insurance policies are provided through the federal government's National Flood Insurance Program.


By John Cornelison on 9/11/2010 11:24 AM

If you want to disaster proof yourself, consider putting your critical (but non-private) files on a server. Unless you are the trusting type, use this as a backup – or keep a backup on a hard drive that you control. I’ve used, but here is a listing of many more options:

By John Cornelison on 9/9/2010 5:37 AM
National Preparedness Month is a nationwide effort held each September. The goal of National Preparedness Month is to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies, including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks, at home, work and school. Events and activities across the nation encourage individuals to get an emergency supply kit, make a family emergency plan, and get involved in preparing their communities. National Preparedness Month is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Ready Campaign.

For information on local National Preparedness Month events, please view the Ready Campaign's website.

By John Cornelison on 7/8/2010 5:13 AM
Red Cross Encourages Safety During Excessive Heat American Red Cross As the temperature continues to increase as it is predicted to this week, the American Red Cross encourages individuals and families to take the necessary precautions for excessive heat.  The very young and the elderly are especially vulnerable to the heat so it is important that families and friends check on them regularly.  People with chronic health issues are also at greater risk and need to take special care to stay healthy in the heat.

Preventing Heat-Related Illness There are several precautions you can take to avoid heat-related injury and illness. • Dress for the heat. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing (light colors reflect away some of the sun's energy) and use a hat or an umbrella.

• Carry water or juice with you and drink frequently, even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which dehydrate the body.

• Make sure to check on youth and elderly to make sure they have enough fluids....
By John Cornelison on 6/15/2010 10:20 PM

Of interest on KCTS-9:
Cascadia: The Hidden Fire
Tuesday, 6/8/10, at 8:00 p.m.
Seismic events around the globe offer insight into the super-quake-prone areas along the Pacific Rim. Producer Michael Lienau will join us in studio.

Also note that KUOW, 94.9 FM, local NPR affiliate also hosted a series on Earthquakes this last week to apparently coincide with the KCTS show.

By John Cornelison on 4/1/2010 10:41 PM
Camp Murray, Wash. – Washington state will observe Disaster Preparedness Month in April. Disaster Preparedness Month activities will include a statewide earthquake drill between 9:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. on April 21.

“I encourage all citizens to increase their knowledge and awareness of proper safety measures to follow before, during and after a disaster” during Disaster Preparedness Month, said Gov. Chris Gregoire. She added that programs offered by city, county and state emergency management agencies will promote the value of preparedness throughout the state.

A regular monthly test of the Emergency Alert System will initiate the statewide drop, cover and hold earthquake drill. In addition, King County and the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila will test their Code Red and reverse 9-1-1 notification systems.

As part of the campaign, emergency preparedness information will be sent to schools across Washington. Preparedness information for schools, businesses and homes also will be available...