VashonBePrepared Weekly Newsletter

Friday, July 26, 2024(newsletter versionweb version

  • How to Get COVID Test Kits
  • Need Help? 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • Report Food Poisoning
  • Prepare in a Year: Hacker Safety
  • Como obtener pruebas de COVID
  • ¿Necesita Ayuda? 988 es la Línea de Crisis y Prevención del Suicidio 
  • Reporten Intoxicación por Alimentos 
  • Prepárese en un Año: Seguridad contra Piratas Informáticos

COVID Vaccine

Learn about the many ways you can prepare for disasters at home or at your business.

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About Us

VashonBePrepared is a coalition of some 10 disaster preparedness organizations on Vashon-Maury Island in Washington's Puget Sound region. We work closely with local and county organizations.

I Want to Help Out

VashonBePrepared provides training and educational opportunities to keep the island community prepared for the next emergency.

Latest Updates

Historical Evidence Reinforces Seattle Fault Tsunami Threat

Jul 28

Written by:
7/28/2012 12:44 PM  RssIcon

LocalFaults.800x490U.S. Geological Survey’s Brian Atwater has found evidence of a powerful tsunami near Bremerton recently – due to an earthquake which was “much more dangerous than previously thought”. Their conclusion: climb to safety after an earthquake.

Watch or read the full story at:,0,6181048.story

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