VashonBePrepared Weekly Newsletter

Friday, July 26, 2024(newsletter versionweb version

  • How to Get COVID Test Kits
  • Need Help? 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • Report Food Poisoning
  • Prepare in a Year: Hacker Safety
  • Como obtener pruebas de COVID
  • ¿Necesita Ayuda? 988 es la Línea de Crisis y Prevención del Suicidio 
  • Reporten Intoxicación por Alimentos 
  • Prepárese en un Año: Seguridad contra Piratas Informáticos

COVID Vaccine

Learn about the many ways you can prepare for disasters at home or at your business.

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About Us

VashonBePrepared is a coalition of some 10 disaster preparedness organizations on Vashon-Maury Island in Washington's Puget Sound region. We work closely with local and county organizations.

I Want to Help Out

VashonBePrepared provides training and educational opportunities to keep the island community prepared for the next emergency.

Latest Updates

Preparedness Considerations for the Pets, Livestock, and Animals in Our Homes and in Our Lives Webinar on 22 Sept

Sep 21

Written by:
9/21/2011 11:32 AM  RssIcon

imageConnect to 1:50 pm (PST?) on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. (Enter as a guest.)

No registration is required, and the webinar is free.

From the home to the farm, pets, livestock, and animals are an important part of our lives.  However, when it comes to preparing for disasters, they can pose some unique challenges and it's important that they are included in emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

If you are part of an organization that does work in the pet and livestock field, or you are a pet or livestock owner, this call is for you.  Join us and hear from leaders in animal emergency management about:

  • imageDisaster Preparedness Resources and Reimbursements available to those with pets and animals in their lives
  • Emerging trends and considerations in pet and animal emergency management
  • Personal experiences with animal emergency management
  • What's required in your emergency planning concerning pets and animals
  • What you can do to bring animal preparedness to your home, organization, and community.

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