Everyone Needs a Go Kit

Go Kits

Go Kits contain essential supplies for yourself, and your family or business, for 36 hours or more, in a portable pack or bag. If you have a fire, or otherwise need to evacuate your house, are stranded off-island, or have volunteer or other responsibilities that take you away from your home, it makes sense to have your most critical information lists, a bit of food and basic survival equipment ready somewhere outside the home, in a protected location.

Go Kits are portable, so differ from your basic home emergency supplies - which should have everything your family needs for at least two to three weeks. For many people, leaving this in the trunk of your car is convenient. To add resiliency, have various disaster supplies next to the bed, in an outdoor shed, in every car and other locations. Even if one location is compromised, others remain available.

The contents of your Go Kit should be personalized based on your situation, but we present some basic ideas to consider below. Remember that your Go Kit is only of use if it is readily available at all times, wherever you are, and all supplies are periodically refreshed.

Download or print PDF versions of this checklist here and other checklists here: https://vashonbeprepared.org/Are-You-Ready/Residents/Checklists

VashonBePrepared's Go-Kit Recommendations

Everyone needs a Go Kit! Take it everywhere you go!

There are many emergency kit inventory lists available online. Here are some basics to consider:

  • Flares, orange cones, LED flares (LEDs last longest but need spare batteries)
  • Cell phone, charging cable, power bank
  • Emergency contact list, including out of state
  • Copies of personal IDs such as driver's license
  • Flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries
  • First aid kit, prescription eyeglasses
  • Essential Medications
  • Water, and purification (filter or tablets)
  • Ready-to-eat foods (energy bars, canned soups, etc)
  • Hat, warm rainproof jacket, gloves
  • Spare clothes
  • Blankets or sleeping bag
  • Cash in small bills (If the power is out, cash machines and credit cards won't work)
  • Ferry Ticket
  • Whistle, pocket knife
  • N95 masks to protect against dust or viruses
  • Wet wipes, trash bags, ties (for emergency hygiene and sanitation)
  • Vashon map; paper map for your current location
  • Paper and pencil and/or Sharpie
  • GMRS/FMRS or ham radio with extra batteries

By the Bed

If a tree falls through the roof or fire threatens your home at night, be ready with a small kit next to your bed:

  • Prescription glasses
  • Flashlight or headlamp
  • Rugged shoes
  • Leather gloves

Ready for the Road

If you have a car or even a recreational vehicle, these make excellent temporary shelters. Imagine that you are in your car when the big earthquake hits and you are stranded somewhere. All islanders should be prepared for the unexpected. Do you have what you and your family and/or passengers might need to survive for 36 hours? Add these items to the go-kit basics above:

  • If a storm is coming, keep your gas tank topped up
  • Larger flashlight, spare batteries
  • First Aid kit, fire extinguisher
  • A small, battery-operated pocket-sized radio in case you run out of gas
  • Inflated spare tire, tire iron, jack, fix-a-flat
  • Jumper cables, tow strap or recovery strap
  • Tarp or ground cloth and/or rain poncho
  • Ice scraper, tire chains, traction materials (cat litter, piece of wood)
  • Rope, duct tape, cable ties
  • Shovel, hatchet