Get Prepared Now
Learn about the risks we face on Vashon and how to get ready
1Learn about Vashon's risksSevere weather, earthquakes, landslides, and more
2Prepare your household, neighborhood, and businessBuild a kit and make a plan
Email Alerts & Newsletters
Sign up for VashonBePrepared’s newsletter and emergency alerts via our communications partner Voice of Vashon.
Whether you connect with your neighbors or get trained to help the community, Vashon's emergency groups can use your help. (photo: Michelle Bates)
Calling all volunteers!
There are many ways to get involved and be ready to help out. VashonBePrepared’s partner groups include the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), and Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS). Read about the groups and get in touch to get involved.
Leading Island Preparedness since 2005
VashonBePrepared, along with its many partner organizations, has led island efforts to plan for emergencies and respond to local disasters, and spearheaded many aspects of COVID-19 response and support for the island’s community.
Earthquakes, Landslides,
Severe Weather, and Other Disasters
Learn more about the specific situations we face on the island.