Former VIFR Chief Matt Vinci addressing an EOC training session
What does an EOC do?
The EOC coordinates the emergency response and recovery:
- Gathers information to help the Incident Commander set priorities for the response.
- Compiles the Incident Action Plan for approval by the Incident Commander.
- Obtains the resources needed to achieve the priority goals set by the Incident Commander.
- Tracks those resources, including responder assignments and the cost of the response.
- Looks out ahead to forecast future response needs as the emergency evolves.
How we serve Vashon & Maury
Where is Vashon’s EOC?
Most activations of the Vashon EOC would take place in the Farcy Training Center, across from the main fire station on Bank Road. However, it’s important to understand that an EOC is a team of people, not a building. For example, during major storms, at least some of the EOC Team may work remotely because it doesn’t make sense to risk putting people on the roads until the storm dies down. Past experience with virtual activations during storms was valuable during the Vashon response to the COVID pandemic because all EOC activity for more than three years was performed remotely over the phone and on Zoom because the risk of spreading the infection made it unsafe for everyone to gather in a room.
Is VashonBePrepared the EOC?
VashonBePrepared and the EOC Team are two separate organizations with quite different functions, although they are often perceived to be the same. VashonBePrepared is an incorporated 501(c)(3) nonprofit coalition of organizations and individuals. A service contract between VashonBePrepared and VIFR sets out work to be performed by the nonprofit to support the VIFR mission. That work includes recruiting and training of volunteers to staff the EOC. The EOC Team staffs the EOC when it is activated and commanded by the Fire Chief during an emergency.
How can I learn about the Vashon EOC?
Vashon’s Emergency Operations Team has monthly training sessions, usually on the first Wednesday evening of the month (except in December). These trainings are a great way to gauge what Vashon’s key disaster representatives are up to and meet many of the key teams and volunteers. In addition to the monthly training, EOC Team members are expected to take additional training with courses provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EOC Team volunteers are encouraged to take:
Could I qualify to work in the Vashon EOC?
We always need more people to work in the Vashon EOC and we will train you!
Can you yes to these questions?
- Do you enjoy solving problems, even under the stress of a deadline or emergency?
- Do you like working with others on a team with a shared goal?
- Do you look ahead at what’s coming, and like to plan for the future?
- Do you enjoy helping your neighbors? Perhaps you already volunteer with a Vashon community organization?
- Do you like analyzing and tracking rapidly changing information about a situation?
- Do you have experience working on strategic plans, logistics, finance?
You don’t have to say yes to every one of these questions, but they give you a general sense about people who find a home in the Vashon EOC. If you found yourself nodding your head to those questions, check us out by attending one of our monthly trainings. Fill in our volunteer inquiry form!