VashonBePrepared and Emergency Operations Center volunteers assist the Vashon Island Fire & Rescue Incident Commander when emergencies strike. Several other organizations provide specialized assistance including marine rescue, medical services, search and rescue, and communications. If you are interested in getting involved, read more about the groups on their pages, and fill out our volunteer interest form. We can help guide you to the group that suits you best. Joining up is also a great way to meet your neighbors and learn new skills. Thank you!
Fill out our volunteer interest form here
Explore more about our partner organizations
VashonBePrepared &
Islanders for Ferry Action
Your donations to VashonBePrepared help us continue our support of island resilience with preparedness education and outreach, volunteer training, planning and collaboration. See our About page for details of our mission.
We are partnering with Islanders for Ferry Action to address the critical need for improved ferry service for both day-to-day island life, and islanders’ emergency needs.
Read about Islanders for Ferry Action
Donate via PayPal, send a check, or email us with any questions.
VashonBePrepared is a registered nonprofit. FEIN #06-1808389