Neighborhood Emergency Response Organization (NERO)

NERO - Neighborhood Emergency Response OrganizationNeighborhood Emergency Response Organizations (NEROs) are informal groups of neighbors from five to fifteen homes, who organize to help each other in the hours and days after a minor storm or major earthquake. NERO efforts help neighborhoods, because transportation and communication may be difficult after a storm or other incident. NERO reports from neighborhoods also help our professional responders prioritize their efforts, to do the most good for the greatest number of islanders.

NERO group members meet at least once a year, to get to know each other and to make or improve their plans. They make plans to check on each household in their NERO after a storm or other incident, and to survey the neighborhood for injuries, fires, damaged buildings, broken or blocked roads, downed power-lines, etc.  During these emergencies, NERO leaders then report the group's findings to Vashon Island Fire & Rescue (VIFR) by calling or going to the nearest fire station, or the Vashon Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the main fire station on Bank Road. Some NERO groups also help each other prepare their households by working together on assembling go kits and earthquake supplies. Groups with interest in learning more about NEROs and emergency preparedness, first aid, ham radio, or other useful skills, can get help from the NERO coordinator to arrange a class for their NERO group.

Note: NERO members are requested not to attempt to render any first aid, fire-fighting, search and rescue, or other forms of emergency response, unless they are qualified to do so.

To learn more about forming a NERO, or to request free assistance with organizing your NERO Group, please send an email to NERO (at)
