Pandemic Flu

from pandemic is a global disease outbreak. It is determined by how the disease spreads, not how many deaths it causes.

With thousands of islanders leaving the island on a daily basis, and the numbers flying throughout the world, it doesn't take germs long to hitch a ride back on the return trip. 

When a new influenza A virus emerges, a flu pandemic can occur. Because the virus is new, the human population has little to no immunity against it. With no immunity in the population, the virus spreads quickly from person-to-person worldwide. (- from

Seasonal Flu versus Pandemic Flu

Pandemic Flu

Seasonal Flu

Rarely happens (three times in 20th century) Happens annually and usually peaks in January or February
People have little or no immunity because they have no previous exposure to the virus Usually some immunity built up from previous exposure
Healthy people may be at increased risk for serious complications Usually only people at high risk, not healthy adults, are at risk of serious complications
Health care providers and hospitals may be overwhelmed Health care providers and hospitals can usually meet public and patient needs
Vaccine probably would not be available in the early stages of a pandemic Vaccine available for annual flu season
Effective antivirals may be in limited supply Adequate supplies of antivirals are usually available
Number of deaths could be high (The U.S. death toll during the 1918 pandemic was approximately 675,000) Seasonal flu-associated deaths in the United States over 30 years ending in 2007 have ranged from about 3,000 per season to about 49,000 per season.
Symptoms may be more severe Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and muscle pain
May cause major impact on the general public, such as widespread travel restrictions and school or business closings Usually causes minor impact on the general public, some schools may close and sick people are encouraged to stay home
Potential for severe impact on domestic and world economy Manageable impact on domestic and world economy

- also from



During times of severe flu, additional specific suggestions will be provided, but even before then a few guidelines may help:

  • Maintain supplies at home that reduce your exposure to others
  • Practice social distancing - don't touch hug/touch others as much if one of you has a known flu and sit further apart.
  • Follow routine germ avoidance techniques (below) especially closely.

