2024-2025 Board
Executive Committee:
Pres: Vicky de Monterey Richoux
VP: Marijke van Heeswijk
Treasurer: Deborah Diamond
Secretary: <pending>
At-Large: Michael Sperazza
General Board:
- EOC team lead (acting) – Vicky de Monterey Richoux
- Mass Care – Kim Nelson
- CERT – MJ Witt
- NERO – Vicky de Monterey Richoux
- ACS – Michael Meyer
- MRC – Clayton Olney/Jim Bristow
- VIFR – Chief Matt Vinci
- VIEMA – <vacant>
- VISD – Juniper Rogneby or delegate
- Food Bank – <pending selection by partner org>
- Voice of Vashon – Luke McQuillin
- KC Sheriff’s Office – Sgt Michael Glasgow or delegate
- Chamber of Commerce – Cheryl Lubbert
- up to 5 at-large directors:
- Michael Sperazza (Exec Committee)
- Lydia Aguilar Kirschner
- John Osborn
- Amy Drayer
- Jeni Johnson